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Gastrik kanser  tarama Helicobacter Pylori Antijeni için Tanı Kiti (Lateks)WIZ Helicobacter pylori antijen test kiti ile ,10 dakika içinde sonuçları alabilirsiniz,invaziv olmayan ve ağrısız



hangisiher insana uygundur. Yüksek duyarlılık, güçlü özgüllük ve iyi stabilite, helicobacter pylori enfeksiyonunun ihtiyaçlarını karşılar  teşhis. 2. Colorektal kanser




Calprotectin (Kolloidal Altın) için Tanı Kiti

Dışkıda Gizli Kan (Kolloidal Altın) İçin Tanı Kiti

Transferin (Kolloidal Altın) için Tanı Kiti

Büyücü' s kal

korumak,dışkı gizli kan Ve transferin


Çoklu gösterge izleme özelliğine sahip tespit kiti, kolorektal kanser şüphesi olan gruplarda doğru taramayı sağlayabilir.Testin basit ve ağrısız olması, daha fazla kişiye uygulanabilmesini sağlıyor.

Primary prevention is etiological prevention, reducing the damage of external adverse factors;

Secondary prevention is early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment;

Tertiary prevention is to improve the quality of life and prolong survival.

The cancer incidence and mortality have shown a decreasing trend in China, where integrated cancer prevention and control strategies implemented earlier.


Cancer is not contagious, but some carcinogenic factors are!

(1) Cancer is caused by genetic changes in one's own cells and is not contagious.

(2) Some bacteria (such as Helicobacter pylori) and viruses (such as human papillomavirus, hepatitis virus, EB virus, etc.) that related to the occurrence of cancer could be infectious.

(3) Cancer can be prevented by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and vaccination (e.g., hepatitis virus vaccine, hpv vaccine).



Early diagnosis and treatment are the key to improve cancer survival rate!

(1) The therapeutic effect and survival rate of cancer are closely related to cancer stage. The earlier detection, the better therapeutic effect and longer survival period;

(2) Pay attention to the danger signs of cancer, and go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment in time if the following symptoms occur.

1. Abnormal lump on the surface of the body;

2. The colors of moles and warts get darker or enlarged in a short term;

3. Abnormal sensations, such as choking, pain, etc.

4. There are persistent ulcers in the skin or mucous membranes

5. Persistent dyspepsia and loss of appetite

6, Fecal habits and traits change or with blood;

7. Persistent hoarseness, dry cough, sputum with blood;

8. Abnormal hearing, nosebleeds, headache;

9. Abnormal vaginal bleeding, especially bleeding by contact;

10. Painless hematuria, urination difficulty;

11. Unknown fever, fatigue and progressive weight loss.


Cancer screening recommended!

1. Gastric cancer screening

 Gastric Cancer Test Kit

Diagnostic Kit for Antigen to Helicobacter Pylori (Latex)

With WIZ Helicobacter pylori antigen test kit, you can get the results in 10 minutes, noninvasive and pain-free, which is suitable for every person. High sensitivity, strong specificity and good stability, meets the needs of helicobacter pylori infection diagnosis.


2. Colorectal cancer screening

 Colon Cancer Test Kit

Diagnostic Kit for Calprotectin (Colloidal Gold)

Diagnostic Kit for Fecal Occult Blood (Colloidal Gold)

Diagnostic Kit for Transferrin (Colloidal Gold)

WIZs calprotectin, fecal occult blood and transferrin detection kit, with multi-indicators monitoring, could achieve accurate screening for suspected groups of colorectal cancer. The test procedure is simple and pain-free, which makes it available for more people.

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